Monday, October 6, 2008

I LOVE technology!!

When I look at all the technology standards that are to be integrated with content standards it seems like alot to tackle (especially for a kindergarten class!). I do recognize however, that the sooner these skills are introduced and practiced in the classroom, the more the student will benefit from them.

Obviously the only way it would work for my class would be to have access to computers or a computer lab! Then incorporating manipulatives, the use of visual field trips, fun games and many other resources would be a creative way to enhance the lessons I am teaching and also meet the needs for teaching basic technology skills. In my lesson planning I will always look for ways to incorporate technology. There are endless possibilities! Lots of times kids are way ahead of the game when it comes to computers and the use of basic skills but there are always those children who have not had the same opportunities and they need to be taught.

Usually kids are fast learners so I don't think that any of the skills are too advanced. I know of two little boys (around 4 and 6) whose Grandpa helped them set up their own web sites! They put what they wanted on them and with Grandpa's help managed them! Time and resources will always be the key issue but I do feel that the kids are up for the challenge. I am excited at the possibilities that technology opens for teachers and students. With care and wisdom, technology can be used to enhance our learning and teaching. As in all things, even standards and technology can bring glory to our great God!


Rachel said...

Hey!! I didn't know you had a blog! :) It's really cool!

Btw, have you heard of They have a bunch of free backgrounds that you can put on you're blog :) That's where I got mine!


David and Kristi Flinck said...

Thanks for telling about your blog. We will read it with interest.

Looking for a teacher to come to Chile someday...hint.

D,K,J,B,& K

Amy White said...

Bethany~ Thank you so much for your thoughtful blog. I really enjoyed both entries that you have posted to date. Your passion and excitement for teaching and learning comes out even when you talk about content and technology standards. I pray that you will not lose that passion. It is exciting to look at the many creative ways that you will be able to enhance your lesson planning and teaching with technology. Your imagination and creativity are your only limitations--if you have the resources!:) But...hopefully, through these classes you will come away with some great ways of engaging your students in learning.